I am not stupid, I am not thick, I am dyslexic...

30 November 2020
Video Presentation
DADAFest & Disability Arts Online, UK
Image: Pierce Starre

I am not stupid, I am not thick, I am dyslexic featured as part of a panel discussion event on 30th November 2020 hosted by DaDaFest and Disability Arts Online. The discussion was held to provoke the arts and cultural sector to improve digital inclusion and remove barriers.

This event was a chance to look at what access solutions can be put into place in the digital age, examining how discriminatory barriers can be removed as we move into a new understanding of the value and importance of digital in connecting and showcasing innovative arts practice.

The event consisted of a series of video presentations about digital practice and disabling barriers followed by a moderated panel discussion chaired by DAO Editor Colin Hambrook with Clare Reddington CEO of Watershed, Vici Wreford-Sinnott Director of Little Cog and DAO Associate Artist Ashokkumar Mistry who discussed a call to action, instigating organisational change and eliminating discriminatory practices within the arts.




All Images and Artwork © Pierce Starre 2025